The team at Adobe recently announced the availability of Adobe Developer App Builder, the unified third-party extensibility framework for integrating and creating custom experiences for Adobe applications. It is available for all Adobe Experience Manager customers and soon to be available for Adobe Commerce.
Adobe Developer App Builder provides users with a more unified experience of extending and customizing Adobe tools for developers. Additionally, it reduces the time it takes to create apps down to 15-30 minutes according to past Adobe hackathons.
To get started with App Builder, sign up for the free trial program, open to all enterprise customers. For more information on this release, visit here.
ReactOS 0.4.14 release
The ReactOS team recently announced the release of version 0.4.14, which brings users improvements such as FreeLoader fixes, Shell features, kernel fixes, NetKVM VirtIO bringup, and support for NEC PC-9800.
A key highlight of this release is the improvements made to the Shell component. With this, users gain access to the “Send To” implementation, a feature of Shell that can be used to send files or directories to a specific location.
According to the ReactOS team, this comes as a maintenance release, meaning that version 0.4.14 does not contain the latest developments that were advertised in ReactOS’s 2021 blog and on social media. For the full details of this release, visit here.
Progress announces Fiddler Everywhere 3.0
Progress, a provider of products to develop, deploy, and manage high-impact applications, recently unveiled the newest release of its web debugging tool, Progress Fiddler Everywhere. With this, users gain support for HTTP/2, a revision of the HTTP network protocol.
Fiddler Everywhere 3.0 allows users to easily debug high-performing applications across Windows, macOS, and Linux more securely, in less time, and with fewer resources than previously possible.
Fiddler Everywhere 3.0 also brings users:
- Support for WebSocket communication: Developers have access to information transferred to the server through a single ongoing connection.
- Improved advanced traffic filters: Developers can easily apply complex filtering to their sessions list and choose from Protocol, Status, IP, URL, Cookie, Body, and other values in addition to the Request and Response headers.
- Faster onboarding for beginners and power users: On initial launch, developers are given instructions on how to configure their environment to capture HTTPS traffic.
Apache weekly roundup
Over the past week, 346 Apache Committers modified 1,957,663 lines of code over 3,699 commits. The top five contributors are Sebastian Bazley, Claus Ibsen, Owen Nichols, Gary Gregory, and Daniel Gruno.
Also, throughout the week Apache Druid 0.22.1, Apache Calcite Avatica 1.20.0, Apache NiFi 1.15.1, Apache Flink 1.14.2, 1.13.5, 1.12.7, and 1.11.6, Apache Archiva 2.2.6, Apache Jackrabbit 2.21.9, Apache Tika 2.2.0, Apache PDFBox 2.0.25, Apache Geode 1.12.6, 1.13.5, and 1.14.1, Apache OFBiz 18.12.03, Apache Fortress 2.0.7, Apache Camel 3.14.0, Apache Log4j 2.12 and 2.16.0, Apache Solr 8.11.1, Apache HttpComponents HttpAsyncClient 4.1.5, Apache JMeter 5.4.2, and Apache Struts 2.5.28 were all released.