MemSQL 7.1 is now available on MemSQL Helios, the company’s elastic cloud database.
This release improves support for OLTP-style (highly-selective) queries on columnstores, high availability, and disaster recovery.
It also delivers improved resilience features to further strengthen MemSQL for mission-critical applications providing transaction processing, operational analytics, and more.
“The MemSQL 7.1 release delivers a big advance in our ability to support system-of-record applications on MemSQL, including improvements to SingleStore (unique keys on columnstores, fast selective joins on columnstores); DR failback; easier stored procedure programming for transactional applications; useful new built-in functions to ease application development and migration; and more,” Eric Hanson, principal product manager at MemSQL, wrote in a post.
Additional details are available here.
Apple password manager resources
The new open-source project Password Manager Resources is designed to help developers of password managers collaborate to create strong passwords that are compatible with popular websites.
The project also contains collections of websites known to share a sign-in system, links to websites’ pages where users change passwords, and more.
“By publicly documenting website-specific behaviors, password managers can offer an incentive for websites to use standards or emerging standards to improve their compatibility with password managers; it’s no fun to be called out on a list!” the project’s team wrote on GitHub.
IBM FHE toolkit
IBM released a fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) toolkit for MacOS and iOS, with Linux and Android coming soon.
“It was no small feat to synthesize 11 years of top-notch cryptography research into a streamlined developer experience that is accessible and freely available to anyone in the time most people would spend to brew a pot of coffee or declutter a desk,” IBM wrote in a blog post.
FHE allows the manipulation of data by permissioned parties while it remains encrypted, minimizing the time it exists in its most vulnerable state.
Wipro and IBM cloud collaboration
Wipro partnered up with IBM to help clients accelerate their cloud journeys.
Through this alliance, Wipro will develop hybrid cloud offerings to help businesses migrate, manage and transform mission-critical workloads and applications, with security across public or private cloud and on-premises IT environments, the companies wrote in a post. Also, the launch of IBM Novus Lounge in Bengaluru will foster innovation and build industry solutions that leverage cloud, AI, machine learning and IoT.
“As companies across the world continue to drive digital transformation, decision-makers must rethink radically on how to leverage the combined power of data, cloud and open source technologies to become industry leaders. Wipro IBM Novus Lounge brings together Wipro’s expertise across industries and IBM’s open source technologies, designed to be secure and scalable across hybrid cloud, Data and AI, all running on Red Hat OpenShift promoting the journey to Cloud and journey to AI,” said Gaurac Sharma, vice president of cloud and cognitive software at IBM India.
Apache weekly updates
Last week, rhe Apache Software Foundation announced Apache Hudi as a Top-Level Project. Hudi is an open source data lake technology for stream processing on top of Apache Hadoop in use at Alibaba, Tencent, Uber, and more.
New releases this week also included Apache JSPWiki 2.11.0.M7, Apache Fortress 2.0.5, and the newly identified malware campaign: Impact on Apache.
Apache Curator, a Java/JVM client library for Apache ZooKeeper, a distributed coordination service, received a 5.0 release.
Additional details on Apache releases are available here.