Topic: android

Android performance tools hit the market

AndEBench and a bevy of graphics performance analysis tools aim to clear out Android performance bottlenecks … continue reading

The Trouble with Gerrold: Predictions, predictions, predictions

David Gerrold sees a future rich in technology, and also in need of skilled programmers … continue reading

Sencha Touch 2 brings iOS development to the PC

Mobile app development platform eliminates need for Xcode compiler, and wraps applications in “native” packages … continue reading

From the Editors: Of course we have predictions

What’s in store for 2012? And what will gesture controls bring to software development? … continue reading

Look what 2011 washed in: The year that was in mobile development

SD Times begins its look back at 2011, starting with the continued growth of mobile development … continue reading

UPDATED: Android 4.0: One set of APIs to rule them all

What kind of tablet advances and feature enhancements does Ice Cream Sandwich bring to the mobile operating system? … continue reading

From the Editors: Seeing through an Eclipse

Eclipse has made it through 10 years, and we salute it; Google did right by unforking Android … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Was Apple right about Flash?

The company picked HTML5 over Adobe’s technology; time has proven it to be the right decision … continue reading

A (visual) look back at AnDevCon II

BZ Media’s Android Developer Conference recently concluded; see what was on display for attendees … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: On slide rules and smartphones

Thinking about the old contraptions gave Alan an idea for a smartphone app … continue reading

The news from the Android Developer Conference

Developer conference for Google’s mobile operating system highlights wearable computing and Android solutions … continue reading

From the Editors: Windows Phone’s mighty ecosystem

Nobody can match the breadth of tool partners that Microsoft offers through Visual Studio; Java is back, in a big way … continue reading Protection Status