Topic: binkiland

SD Times Blog: SourceForge is on the mend

There was a time in the last century when Slashdot was the Reddit of the Internet. There was a time when SourceForge was GitHub. And still, yes, there is a time when these and other Internet media properties were owned and operated by good actors, seeking to foster community and open-source development. In 2011, Freecode, … continue reading

SourceForge removes offending Binkiland software from its installer

SourceForge has removed Binkiland, software believed to be malware by users of the open-source code repository, from its well of installer options for developers. Roberto Galoppini, director of the SourceForge Community, explained that the company tries to review all of the third-party, paid-for-install software before it goes into its installer, but sometimes they have to … continue reading

SD Times Blog: SourceForge now a source of malware

UPDATE: SourceForge has removed the offending Binkiland software from its installer. Read the full story here.  If you’ve been working with software for longer than five years, then you can remember a time when SourceForge was one of the pillars of open-source software. It used to be the only good place to go to find fresh … continue reading Protection Status