Topic: email

Cleansing email lists will help preserve your sender reputation score

Email is one of the most effective marketing channels out there. Compared to social media, where you are dependent upon the company’s algorithm treating your content favorably, email marketing can more effectively get your content in front of your audience. Email has an average open rate of 21.73% and an average click-through rate of 3.57%, … continue reading

Melissa’s email flagging feature created to fulfill GDPR consent rules

As laws such as the European Union’s GDPR regulation and California’s similar upcoming CCPA Act pick up steam, countries around the world are making privacy a priority and forcing companies to rethink how they obtain consent from their contacts — even when it comes to sending emails.  To address the new stringent privacy laws and … continue reading

Google announces Gmail add-ons for developers

Google wants Gmail to be more than just a place where users receive and send emails. The company is announcing new tools that will allow users to do more from their inbox. The Google G Suite team is releasing Gmail add-ons, a new extensibility framework for developers, and ten ready to use enterprise integrations. Earlier … continue reading

Visual Studio Code 0.3.0, Magic Leap’s SDK, and the Project System Extensibility SDK—SD Times news digest: June 3, 2015

Microsoft has released version 0.3.0 of Visual Studio Code, its cross-platform code editing tool announced at Build. Visual Studio Code 0.3.0 includes new features and updates to keybinding, the command line, multi-cursor, comment actions, wrapping controls, debugging and more. There is also expanded language support for Rust, JavaScript semantics and syntax, TypeScript 1.5, and smarter … continue reading Protection Status