The Linux Foundation, Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), and Ethical Intelligence have all partnered up to create a free online course on ethics in open-source development. It is designed for developers looking to apply ethics to their coding practice, and for product managers looking to incorporate ethics-by-design technology into their workflows. According to the Linux … continue reading
In recent years, technology analysts have devoted much attention to the topic of developers and how the demographics of developers are changing. For starters, the International Data Corporation (IDC) has noted the growth of developer populations in China, India, Brazil, Russia, Indonesia and Turkey, as well as select countries in East Africa. In addition, IDC … continue reading
You don’t have to go Theranos to realize that ethics are not prioritized in the Silicon Valley. Yes, people talk about ethics and being ethical in tech firms only because it is necessary to attract further investment. I would argue that these are not real ethics. They are there just for show. Ethics is about … continue reading
AI use is growing rapidly. As with most “new” technologies, organizations are focusing on all the potential opportunities without giving equal weight to the potential risks. While it seems that just about everyone is talking about AI, less discussed, but growing in volume and frequency, is AI ethics which questions whether categories of AI systems … continue reading
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards Association (IEEE-SA) is committing to the ethical use of automation and intelligent systems with the release of a new set of guidelines today. The “Ethically Aligned Design (EAD1e) ‘A Vision for Prioritizing Human Well-being with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems’” features “scientific analysis and resources, high-level principles and … continue reading
As the end of 2018 approached, many artificial intelligence technologies like visual testing, chatbots and language recognition had matured to the point of ubiquity. Two years since SD Times’ “Year of AI,” the conversations around AI and machine learning have shifted further and further away from potential applications and surprising new uses of the tech. … continue reading
How far does technology need to go, or how far are we going to let it go? With all the recent advancements being made to devices and software, innovation is starting to explode, and not necessarily in a good way. A company recently launched a new platform that makes it easier for developers to add … continue reading