Topic: fabric

Twitter partners with Branch, Microsoft Edge and Chakra updates, and Apple’s unencrypted kernel—SD Times news digest: June 23, 2016

Branch is teaming up with Twitter’s Fabric Partner to extend the benefits of deep linking. Branch’s deep linking and attribution toolkit will now be available on Fabric, and will be accessible to developers for free. In addition, Branch’s technology will be integrated into Fabric’s already-existing kits, starting with its apps analytics tool Answers. “The Branch … continue reading

Android N developer preview on Sony Xperia, Fabric mission control, and Modus joins DreamFactory’s partner program—SD Times news digest: April 22, 2016

A select number of Sony Xperia Z3 devices will be getting access to the Android N Developer Preview in order for developers to try out and give feedback on the upcoming software. Xperia Z3 versions D6603 and D6653 will be able to flash the preview. “Google is eager to integrate developer feedback as early as … continue reading

Spotify is moving to the Google Cloud, Java 9 addresses GTK 3 GUI toolkit , and Twitter introduces a Fabric mobile app—SD Times news digest: Feb. 24, 2016

Spotify has announced it is working with the Google Cloud Platform team to provide platform infrastructure for Spotify everywhere. In the past, Spotify has taken a traditional approach by buying or leasing data center space, server hardware and networking gear close to its customers. This has allowed it to deliver music instantly, wherever the customers … continue reading

Twitter announces new mobile developer toolkit, Fabric

Twitter is trying to win over mobile app developers with a new set of tools the company announced today at its first mobile developer conference, Twitter Flight. “We are so delighted to have you with us as we unveil what we believe is the future of mobile app development. A future that is built upon … continue reading Protection Status