Topic: feedback

Creating value requires feedback loops

While companies are starting down the value stream, assessing and mapping their operations and product delivery to find areas of bottleneck and waste, another critical aspect of value stream management is feedback loops. People discuss applying manufacturing techniques to software creation and delivery, and breaking down their product portfolios into work for the development or … continue reading

Industry Watch: Successful software development

Software is how organizations compete in today’s marketplace. New companies like Uber and Airbnb are invading existing businesses, using the power of software and services to succeed in this sharing economy. Those are the innovative companies. So to see how traditional companies think about satisfying their customers with new software, development company 3Pillar Global and … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Handling feedback

Your app’s user interface is terrible. Your business plan is flawed. Your budget is unrealistic. Your code isn’t efficient. Clients are unhappy with your interpersonal skills. Your meetings are too long. You don’t seem to get along with your developers. You are hard to work with. You are being kicked off the task force because … continue reading Protection Status