Topic: holo studio

From the Editors: Windows 10 is a milestone operating system

After Microsoft’s surprise reveal of Windows Holographic and HoloLens, the Star Wars metaphors began to fly, with “Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope” quotes lighting up social media. For us, a different reference came to mind: “Pay no attention to the OS behind the hologram…” Two-thirds of the way through a relatively unexciting … continue reading

Microsoft’s next chapter to include new browser, new OS, new devices and holograms

Microsoft is trying to make Windows a game changer, with the announcement of a completely new technology experience. While many companies have been jumping on the virtual reality bandwagon, the company has been secretly dabbling in holographic computing. At its Windows 10 event today, Microsoft introduced HoloLens, an augmented reality headset that allows users to … continue reading Protection Status