Topic: ie11

Microsoft announces Office 2016, more Spartan details and Windows 10 developer plans

Even after the Windows 10 announcements that redefined the company’s future through an immersive holographic lens, Microsoft isn’t done unveiling new products and strategies. In conjunction with the Office for Windows 10 suite of touch-optimized programs for the full range of Microsoft devices, the company also announced Office 2016, a revamped suite of desktop-specific productivity … continue reading

SD Times news digest: November 3, 2014—Mozilla’s developer browser, Windows 8 market share climbs, and the APItools Middleware Contest

Mozilla is creating a developer-dedicated browser. In a vague announcement on The Mozilla Blog, the company teased how it has unleashed the developer tools team on the entire browser to “rethink how Firefox can debug the whole Web.” “We’ve redesigned the browser by looking at it through a completely new filter to put developers’ interests … continue reading Protection Status