Topic: language server protocol

Eclipse Photon IDE now available

The Eclipse Foundation has announced the latest version of the Eclipse IDE. The Photon release is designed to expand on polyglot capabilities based on the Language Server Protocol plugins. “The Language Server Protocol (LSP) ecosystem delivers editing support for popular and emerging programming languages. Combined with the move to a quarterly rolling release cadence, the … continue reading

Microsoft’s milestone in speech recognition, Node.js v6.9.0 released, and Google open-sources Nomulus—SD Times news digest: Oct. 19, 2016

Microsoft is making waves with its artificial intelligence research by developing a piece of technology that recognizes words as well as humans do. According to a team of researchers from the company’s AI and Research division, the company’s speech recognition system has a word error rate of 5.9%, which is about equivalent to a human. … continue reading

Codenvy, Microsoft and Red Hat collaborate on Language Server Protocol

Eclipse and Microsoft are bringing their IDEs closer together thanks to a new protocol created by a collaboration between the Eclipse Che project, Microsoft and Red Hat. The result is a Language Server Protocol, an open-source, JSON-based data exchange protocol for language servers. Tyler Jewell, CEO of Codenvy and lead of the Eclipse Che project, … continue reading Protection Status