Topic: mediatek labs

Wearables TechCon explores future of wearables, including Apple’s

While Apple was announcing the final set of features for its watch on Monday morning, Wearables TechCon was taking place just 50 miles away. Wearables TechCon attendees were abuzz about the new watch, but not just because they wanted to purchase one: They were excited to see one of the world’s largest company validating the … continue reading

MediaTek takes on wearables and the Internet of Things

The latest trend of wearables and the Internet of Things (IoT) has organizations rushing to be a part of the movement, and MediaTek is the most recent company to jump on the bandwagon. The company has unveiled MediaTek Labs, a program that lets developers of any background create wearable and IOT devices. “MediaTek Labs are … continue reading Protection Status