Topic: microsoft build

Caphyon: Desktop Apps in The Windows Store

As the Windows 10 adoption rate continues to grow, developers are looking for simple ways to package their apps for the Windows Store.  In today’s competitive market, developers must deliver software faster while keeping costs down so they don’t have the luxury of rewriting their code base.  Caphyon solves the problem with Advanced Installer.  Now … continue reading

GrapeCity Builds on Mobile Leadership

Developers need to extend their mobile and .NET toolbox to build more competitive solutions for their customers.  GrapeCity strives to empower its customers to achieve more with its popular ComponentOne .NET controls, ActiveReports reporting solution, Spread spreadsheets solution, Xuni Xamarin native mobile controls and Wijmo JavaScript controls. “We develop the highest-quality, fastest, lightweight and most … continue reading

OpsHub Enables Rich Collaboration

In this digitally enabled, highly competitive world, to become successful is more challenging than ever. To thrive in this world, enterprises need to provide exceptional pre-sales and post-sales experience in addition to delivering best quality solutions in short release cycles. To achieve this level of excellence, organizations need to democratize the decision-making process without compromising … continue reading

Sauce Labs: Automate Testing with Confidence

Today’s developers need to automate more testing to ensure they can deliver software on time.  To do it right, they need access to a testing environment that mirrors the operating systems, browsers and mobile devices customers actually use in the real world.   Sauce Labs helps accelerate development processes by providing actual devices and virtual … continue reading

What’s in Visual Studio Code

During the first keynote at the BUILD conference in San Francisco, Microsoft crossed a line that many believed would never be crossed with the unveiling of Visual Studio Code (VSC). For the first time, Microsoft is providing a developer productivity tool to users whether or not they are running Windows as their client OS, which … continue reading Protection Status