Topic: microsoft build

LEADTOOLS: One SDK, multiple platforms

The software development landscape is increasingly diverse, which is both a blessing and a curse for development teams. The many devices and platforms provide endless paths and opportunities to imagine, innovate, and develop. Coders experience the excitement that various new technologies can create. However, Project and Dev Managers may feel more pressure due to the … continue reading

Productive, cross-platform .NET development with JetBrains Rider

During the past few years, a lot has happened around Microsoft’s .NET platform. The framework and its ecosystem are now more open than ever, and with the full .NET Framework, .NET Core and Mono at our disposal, we can now run and develop our applications on any platform — whether Windows, Linux or macOS. An … continue reading

New tools for API testing, obfuscation announced at Microsoft Build

SEATTLE – Two of Microsoft’s Build partners are making important announcements at the event this week, with new products and enhancements for tools within the Visual Studio ecosystem. Testing company Parasoft announced enhancements to its API testing and service virtualization solutions for the Microsoft environment. SOAtest and Virtualize updates focus on broadening access to testing … continue reading

Windows 10 update expected in the fall

Creativity is the new productivity, according to Microsoft. So on Day 2 of its Build developer conference, Microsoft today announced that the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update is expected to drop by the end of the year. Microsoft Executive Vice President Terry Myerson acknowledged that locking people into the Windows platform is not today’s reality, … continue reading

Microsoft announces Xamarin, Windows features at Build developer conference

From the cloud to mobile, Microsoft on day 2 of its Build developers conference announced important new additions to the Xamarin cross-platform development tools. The company today released a preview of the Xamarin Live Player coding environment, which makes development and debugging of applications faster. It allows developers to create applications for Android and iOS … continue reading

Microsoft announces new data and cloud solutions at Build

Serverless computing – adding an abstraction layer above cloud infrastructure – promises to let developers write code without worrying about the underlying platform. Microsoft today announced it is augmenting its data and cloud services offering with Azure Cosmos DB, a database service that the company says scales horizontally with guaranteed uptime, throughput and virtually no … continue reading

Microsoft Build puts focus on AI, data, cloud services

The opportunity for developers to have broad, deep impact on all parts of society and all parts of the economy have never been greater. That’s the view of Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, who kicked of the company’s Build conference in Seattle this morning with a keynote outlining the company’s vision for the future of computing. … continue reading

Build 2017: Better Together

The way organizations build software has changed dramatically. The software development lifecycle is morphing from a series of independent steps – gather requirements, write code, test code, build, fix, build, and ultimately deploy to production — into a series of interconnected, continuous loops that bring all stakeholders in from beginning to end. Why has this … continue reading

Syncfusion Eases Mobile Development

The explosion of mobile devices and apps has completely disrupted .NET development.  While desktop and web applications remain popular in enterprises, the same developers have had to adapt their applications for mobile devices or develop entirely new mobile apps.  Syncfusion was an early supporter of Xamarin that continued to enhance its offerings as Xamarin matured … continue reading

Redgate Leads Database DevOps

Development teams are under pressure to deliver reliable releases faster to meet business needs and user requirements in a timely fashion.  DevOps supports this by encouraging better collaboration, and introduces practices like continuous integration and continuous delivery to speed software delivery. The result is improved productivity, agility and performance across teams, and the business, but … continue reading

LEADTOOLS: The Ultimate Imaging Development Multitool

Life is full of decisions.  Some are easy, like whether or not to run across a busy freeway wearing a chicken suit. Others are difficult, like ordering lunch at a Mexican restaurant (seriously, why are their menus so big?!).  Developing software also has its own unique set of decisions to make: do it myself or … continue reading

Flexera: Ensure Safe, Secure Software Products

Software developers use a lot of third-party software today, much of which is open source.  As software designs continue to become more modular, the use of third-party software is increasing.  As a result, software is becoming more difficult to understand, even by the people who built it, which enables licensing and security risks to creep … continue reading Protection Status