Topic: migration

Best practices for CI/CD migration: The GitHub Enterprise example

Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) software – meaning solutions that teams use to build, test and deploy applications – has come a long way over the past decade. Whereas organizations once cobbled together CI/CD pipelines using disparate open source tools, they now have a plethora of end-to-end, vendor-supported enterprise CI/CD platforms that they can use instead. … continue reading

Panaya announces SAP S/4HANA migration toolkit

Panaya announced its SAP S/4HANA migration toolkit, the Panaya 360 suite, to provide companies with tools for gaining full coverage, visibility, and control as they make this migration. This suite is designed to meet the needs of those looking for a way to make SAP S/4HANA migrations simpler and less disruptive to business operations. It … continue reading

Adaptiva: Unexpected acceleration of Windows 10 adoption in the enterprise

Despite lengthy planning cycles, enterprises may have reached a tipping point in their migration to Windows 10. This comes from Adaptiva’s latest survey on Windows 10 enterprise impact, which also revealed a significant number of IT leaders expect to leverage automation tools to migrate all systems to Windows 10. This year’s survey found that 99 … continue reading

Android 7.1 Developer Preview, Julia 0.5, and Cloud Migration Service from Logicworks—SD Times news digest: Oct. 12, 2016

Android is revealing Android 7.1 Nougat with its Developer Preview, including features for consumers and developers. The Developer Preview itself is available later this month, similar to what the Android team did with Android 7.0. Android 7.1 will have features for Daydream VR support, A/B system updates to app shortcuts, and image keyboard support. New capabilities for … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Sticker shock and decommissioning ceremony

I once wrote a parking sticker application for an East Coast university. If you had a faculty, staff, student or visitor sticker for the campus, it was processed using my green-screen application, which went online in 1983. The university used the mainframe program with minimal changes for about a decade, until a new client/server parking … continue reading

Metalogix Acquires Axceler’s SharePoint Business

Fastest-growing SharePoint independent software vendor expands to offer best-in-class technology across SharePoint life cycle … continue reading

Best practices for migrating custom code

Rebuild, Migrate and Remove is a unique way of finding out what you need to move and moving it easily … continue reading

How to handle your own great migration

If you want to effectively move old applications to new systems, follow the advice from these experienced migrators … continue reading Protection Status