Web inventor Sir Tim Berners-Lee is continuing his effort to protect the web. Today is the 29th birthday of the World Wide Web, and while we have seen many improvements in terms of connectivity, Berners-Lee believes there are still many threats. Last year, on the web’s 28th birthday, Berners-Lee wrote about three challenges: misinformation, control … continue reading
Developers might not be impacted directly by new online trends and global connection speed changes, but a recent report by Akamai emphasized the influence the Internet has on developing applications. Akamai, a content delivery network company, released its second quarter 2016 “State of the Internet” report that gathers data on connection speeds and the impact … continue reading
The Google VR SDK 1.0 (with support for Daydream, a platform for mobile virtual reality) has left beta and is now available on the Google Daydream developer site. The SDK simplifies common VR development tasks so developers can focus on building interactive mobile VR applications for Daydream-ready phones and headsets, according to a blog post … continue reading
Over half of Black Friday shoppers who bought consumer electronics did so online, a 10 percent increase and a new record … continue reading