Topic: programming boot camp

SD Times news digest: September 3, 2014—Project Kulla’s Java REPL tool, and coding boot camp for military vets

Project Kulla may add REPL to Java Changes big and small are on the way in Java 9, and a new OpenJDK project aims to add a Read Evaluate Print Loop to the list. Project Kulla, named after the ancient Mesopotamian and Babylonian god of building and architecture, is designed to create a REPL tool … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Majority of programming boot camp graduates finding full-time jobs, says survey

There are plenty of programming boot camps that are trying to feed the need for software developers, but the risk often pushes the interested away. Boot camps are expensive, and there is no guarantee of a job at the end. But one survey might bring some good news for those of you who are on … continue reading Protection Status