Topic: security

Google bolsters Android security with continuous scans

New mobile security layers scans apps post-installation to detect malicious code … continue reading

SD Times Blog: weev is being released after scrape with AT&T

Internet troll is let off on an appeal after scraping e-mails from iPad users … continue reading

SD Times Blog: OpenSSL’s bleeding heart

A new vulnerability called the Heartbleed bug has been discovered in the cryptographic software library … continue reading

SD Times Blog: New ‘nearly unbreakable’ encryption scheme is inspired by human biology

Lancaster University researchers devise encryption method based on human heart and lung interaction … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Criminal involved in Microsoft tech support scam calls sentenced

Man operating fraudulent Microsoft call center fined and sentenced to prison time in U.K. … continue reading

MIT Web development platform seeks to prevent apps from leaking data

Researchers have created Mylar, which encrypts server data and decrypts it only in the browser … continue reading

CeBIT 2014 puts innovative software on display

For the Internet of Things, cloud development, Big Data and security, there was something for everyone … continue reading

SharePoint’s Most Wanted

HiSoftware identifies three troublemakers your company must watch out for … continue reading

Study: Android accounted for 97% of mobile malware in 2013

Most malware found outside the U.S. with Google Play accounted for less than 1%, according to security firm F-Secure … continue reading

RSA Conference shows security is in the hands of users

A shift away from central control of security has forced many enterprises to find end-user solutions at RSA Conference … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Errors and bugs and patches, oh my!

Two big bugs are lingering for far too long. Well, actually one of them was just (finally) patched today … continue reading

Majority of apps have security vulnerabilities, report says

The most common security vulnerabilities include cross-site scripting and information leakage according to Cenzic … continue reading Protection Status