Topic: security

Vulnerable components added to OWASP’s Top 10 risk list

This year’s list throws some attention to this oft-overlooked issue … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Security is only getting tougher

Coding is tough work, making security a low priority for coders. But there are tools that can help … continue reading

Software development and U.S. export controls

If you plan on exporting software, beware of the labyrinth of compliance and security rules you’ll have to follow … continue reading

RSA remains focused on traditional security approaches

Internet co-creator and other company leaders lay out how they plan on keeping data secure … continue reading

Developers spent 2012 with a new responsibility: Security

Application vulnerabilities still ran rampant in 2012 though, despite developers’ new testing roles … continue reading

The Trouble with Gerrold: Privacy

Users are willing to trade privacy for convenience, but how much disclosure is too much? … continue reading

Security practices take focus off programmers and onto systems

New approaches to security for enterprise applications focus on everything outside of the programmer that can be secured … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Secure those passwords!

Even the IEEE has been victimized by password theft, so raise the level of your developers’ discipline … continue reading

Intellectual property: Safeguarding your company’s code and software licenses

What can you do to keep intruders out of your company’s code and licenses? … continue reading

Forrester: Companies still not using secure practices

Lack of security tools suitable for developers cited among reasons why … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Software quality assurance by the numbers

How are enterprise developers handling quality assurance and security? … continue reading

Letters to the Editor: An assertion not well designed

Designing and coding should be two separate things; complacency is killing software security … continue reading Protection Status