Topic: software development

Report: TypeScript, Rust, and Python among the languages showing the most promise in 2024

JetBrains has released its annual State of Developer Ecosystem report, highlighting the trends across software development. This year the report includes a new section called the Language Promise Index, which ranks languages by growth, stability, and adoption willingness. Across the board since 2017, JavaScript has topped the list, with 61% of users programming in that … continue reading

3 common missteps of product-led growth

Product-led growth (PLG) has become the golden standard for SaaS companies aiming to scale rapidly and efficiently. In fact, a 2024 survey from found that 91% of respondents are planning to invest more resources in PLG initiatives this year. As an advocate for this approach personally, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of putting … continue reading

Q&A: Developing software-defined vehicles

Cars today are complex pieces of software. You’ve got the infotainment system connected to your phone. You’ve got the lane keep assist that lets you know when you’re starting to sway from your lane. You may even have a backup alert system that warns you that there’s a person walking near your car. So now, … continue reading

Generative AI development requires a different approach to testing

Generative AI has the potential to have a positive impact on software development and productivity, but with that increased productivity comes increased pressure on software testing.  If you can generate five or even 10 times the amount of code you previously could, that’s also five to 10  times more code that needs to be tested.  … continue reading

The secret to better products? Let engineers drive vision

Halfway through my 5 1/2 years at SpaceX, management decided to change the way we developed software by handing over the job of creating a product vision to the engineering team. They felt that the traditional way of putting product management in charge of the product roadmap was creating a layer of abstraction. So, they … continue reading

JetBrains now allows Qodana to be self-hosted

JetBrains has announced the release of a self-hosted version of its code quality platform Qodana.  Qodana is a static code analysis tool that integrates into JetBrains’ IDEs, allowing issues to be addressed directly within the IDE. “Since launching the cloud version of Qodana last summer, we kept receiving requests for a self-hosted version. Following successful … continue reading

Q&A: Why over half of developers are experiencing burnout

According to a recent report from Jellyfish, 65% of respondents said they experienced burnout in the last year.  To dig deep into why that’s happening at such a high rate, we invited the company’s CEO and co-founder, Andrew Lau, onto the latest episode of our podcast, What the Dev? Here’s an abridged and edited version … continue reading

Microsoft’s Fluid Framework 2 is now production ready

Microsoft has released Fluid Framework 2, the latest version of its platform for building collaborative experiences across the Microsoft 365 suite. Fluid Framework 2 includes four major updates, the first of which is a new SharedTree Distributed Data Structure (DDS) that provides a programming interface for working with data. It supports many different data types, … continue reading

Canva expands Developers Platform with launch of Connect APIs

The user-friendly graphic design tool Canva is launching Connect APIs, which will allow developers to more tightly integrate Canva with other platforms or data sources, such as Slack or Salesforce. This news comes near the one year anniversary of the Canva Developer Platform, which allows developers to build apps for Canva.  The Connect API portfolio … continue reading

Q&A: How cognitive fatigue impacts developer productivity

Writing code is mentally intensive work, and just like if someone were working a physically demanding job and their body felt exhausted afterwards, mental work can be exhausting mentally. Many knowledge workers report experiencing “cognitive fatigue” after a number of hours, after which point their ability to do tasks significantly drops.  While most workers work … continue reading

Report: Software engineers increasingly seen as strategic business partners

The days where engineers only take orders from higher ups and complete the tasks they are told to do may be over. In today’s modern development world, software engineers are having a much more involved role in business strategy.  According to Jellyfish’s 2024 State of Engineering Management report, 90% of respondents said their engineering teams … continue reading

Linux Foundation Europe launches Open Mobile Hub project to facilitate multi-platform mobile development

The Linux Foundation Europe has announced the launch of Open Mobile Hub (OMH), a new framework for cross-platform mobile development. A main effort of the project will be to develop a unified codebase that allows applications to be built once and then deployed across different mobile operating systems.  The project was formed by five mobile development … continue reading Protection Status