Topic: spotify

Spotify launches Portal for Backstage to simplify process of getting developer portals setup

Spotify is offering more capabilities based on its open source project Backstage with the beta launch of Spotify Portal for Backstage. The new offering will enable development teams to more easily get set up with their own internal developer portal using Backstage. It includes a Setup Wizard to install Portal and link it to a … continue reading

Spotify is introducing new plugins for Backstage

Spotify launched its Spotify Plugins for Backstage subscription as an open beta to all Backstage adopters. It contains a bundle of five plugins: Soundcheck, Role-Based Access Control, Skill Exchange, Pulse, and Insights.  “The Spotify Plugins for Backstage bundle is the next step toward Spotify’s goal to share what we’ve learned with the world. We’re confident … continue reading

CNCF accepts Backstage as incubating project

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has voted to accept a new platform for building developer portals as an incubating project. Backstage enables developers to bring together their organization’s tooling, services, apps, data, and documentation into a single UI.  The project has its origins at Spotify. In 2016 the company was growing quickly and struggling … continue reading

SD Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Ruler

Spotify built and open-sourced Ruler, a tool to measure and analyze the size of Android apps, built with automation in mind. It was built to tackle the challenges that arise when working with large applications with numerous contributors that are adding features. Another consideration for building the tool is that shrinking download size has been … continue reading

Starting from scratch may sometimes be the best option when trying to improve your applications

After investing time and money developing an application, it can seem counterintuitive to start from scratch to update it instead of just working to improve what you already have. But sometimes a clean slate is the best option. Spotify recently updated its web app and it did just that. When doing so, it had to … continue reading

Google updates ratings and reviews, Microsoft dismisses Project Astoria, Spotify’s open-source projects—SD Times news digest: Feb. 26, 2016

Google is revamping its ratings and reviews on Google Play to help developers engage and understand their users. “In the last few months, we’ve made a number of improvements in the Google Play Developer Console to help you better analyze and manage ratings and reviews so that you can improve your app experience and boost … continue reading

Spotify is moving to the Google Cloud, Java 9 addresses GTK 3 GUI toolkit , and Twitter introduces a Fabric mobile app—SD Times news digest: Feb. 24, 2016

Spotify has announced it is working with the Google Cloud Platform team to provide platform infrastructure for Spotify everywhere. In the past, Spotify has taken a traditional approach by buying or leasing data center space, server hardware and networking gear close to its customers. This has allowed it to deliver music instantly, wherever the customers … continue reading

Devpost’s Hackathon report, Git 2.5 released, and JShell in Java 9—SD Times news digest: July 30, 2015

Devpost, the hackathon platform formerly known as ChallengePost, has released its first Student Hacker Report for the 2014-2015 academic year, ranking the most popular platforms, programming languages, APIs, libraries, frameworks and more at hackathons over the past year. The report shows Android edging out iOS 38.2% to 22.7% for the most popular mobile platform, while … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Radio moves from analog waveforms to digital packets

Streaming radio highlights the need for streaming applications to be designed to take up as little bandwidth as possible … continue reading Protection Status