Topic: testing

Stop fighting yesterday’s software security wars!

In its 2015 report, the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) identified SQL injection and cross-site scripting among its Top 10 software vulnerabilities. Again. If it feels as if you’ve been reading this same story for the last decade, it’s because you have. So why is it that we can build intelligent robots, fling unmanned … continue reading

Guest View: Mobile testing in an agile world

Mobile devices have changed our world. Smartphones and tablets allow employees and customers to be available and active online almost 24z7—something unimaginable in the PC era. Mobile devices’ touch-screens support rich media and application functionality and deliver a far more powerful user experience than ever thought possible. The impact is largely felt in the testing … continue reading

Guest View: How to develop for the post-Apple Watch era

While the reviews of the Apple Watch are a bit mixed at this point, one thing is clear: Smartwatches are going mainstream. Apple has never failed to disrupt a market as they enter it—from the digital music player to the laptop to the smartphone—and nothing less should be expected for wearables. No, the Apple Watch … continue reading

Guest View: Five tips for making your Web app ready for automated testing

Want to win the hearts of your Quality Assurance team? Remember these tips when you’re building your Web application to make it easier for analysts to quickly create more accurate, repeatable automated tests. 1. Ambiguity is the enemy Be as specific as possible in your code. Of course, you’re already following W3C standards, right? Here … continue reading

How to stop doing TDD and start getting real value from testing

In the field of testing, there are many ideas and movements, some of which have formed into schools. But there is really no universally accepted standard for what testing is and how it should be performed. The attempts to establish such a standard (such as the infamous ISO 29119) are met with either ice-cold indifference … continue reading

Mozilla’s Node.js modules for Firefox OS, Git 2.3, and new hybrid Azure test environments—SD Times news digest: Feb. 6, 2015

Mozilla has open-sourced node-firefox, a collection of Node.js modules to help developers create Firefox OS apps. The modules allow developers to interact with Firefox using Mozilla’s DevTools remote protocol in their already existing Node.js tool chains, but through Mozilla’s WebIDE tool in a more terminal-based experience. Each module performs a different task in a separate … continue reading

Guest View: Automated testing’s ROI is right under your nose

The debate on test automation has always been fascinating to me. Huge supporters and practitioners of exploratory testing and other manual testing efforts have often been quick to voice their skepticism of those who touted automation as a golden ticket to “better” testing results. Those on the other side of the fence have wondered how … continue reading

A blended approach to managing data

Making the case for version control, testing environments and continuous integration when it comes to software development these days is a no brainer. But when it comes to the data behind your important applications, life-cycle management and data flow automation are still new ideas struggling to find their place in the market. That doesn’t mean, … continue reading

From the Editors: Bringing unique talents into the workplace

Far too many people on the autism spectrum are unable to find meaningful jobs. About 85% of people with this poorly understood disorder in the United States are either unemployed or underemployed, according to the advocacy organization Autism Speaks. One of the many reasons that people on the spectrum are unable to land a job … continue reading

Industry Spotlight: Delivery speed hinges on testing

Software teams are expected to deliver high-quality software in ever-shorter timeframes, but in practice release speed or quality usually suffers. When release speed is the primary driver, testing may be compromised or a subset of planned features may be released. When quality is the main goal, the release schedule may slip. In today’s increasingly mobile … continue reading

Finding a fit for autism in testing

Intense focus, sharp memory and pattern recognition are some of the traits that a great software tester has to have. It so happens that those traits are prominent in individuals on the autism spectrum. Autism is a term used to describe complex disorders of brain development, and a person with autism often experiences difficulties with … continue reading

Zeichick’s Take: Tomorrow’s forecast: Distributed Denial of Service

Malicious agents can crash a website by implementing a DDoS—a Distributed Denial of Service Attack—against a server. So can sloppy programmers. Take, for example, the National Weather Service’s website, which is operated by the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA. On August 29, the service went down, hard, as single rogue Android … continue reading Protection Status