There are many buzzwords in the software development industry, but AI in testing is proving to be more than just a marketing term. According to this year’s World Quality Report sponsored by Micro Focus, Capgemini, and Sogeti, 86% of respondents said that AI is a key criterion for selecting new QA solutions. In a webinar … continue reading
Regardless of the application that needs testing, companies need compliant test data to adequately test applications. For example, such data might take the form of a user ID and password, a person’s name, a phone number, a credit card number or a Social Security number. The challenge for companies is to figure out where to … continue reading
This latest Rust release includes improved array indexing, expanded safe access to union fields, and additions to the standard library. In the new version, the stabilization of arrays in Rust is formally acknowledged. There are nine new stable functions in Rust 1.50.0 and a few existing functions were made ‘const.’ Additional details on all of … continue reading
Today financial services firms face unprecedented consumer expectations. The pressure is on to produce always-on apps that deliver whenever and however users need it. Organizations are responding to this pressure by choosing to focus on DevOps, agile development and other initiatives that can accelerate time to market, boost performance and improve efficiency. Those producing the … continue reading
This is a rather unique time in the evolution of software testing. Teams worldwide are facing new challenges associated with working from home. Digital transformation initiatives are placing unprecedented pressure on innovation. Speed is the new currency for software development and testing. The penalty for software failure is at an all-time high as news of … continue reading
As companies shift their businesses to engage with customers online, developers are becoming a center point for innovation. So as these companies build out DevOps and DevSecOps practices, they’re assembling teams around the developer to ensure that as they’re building new features at a rapid pace, security and operations components move along with that. Yet … continue reading
The Telco industry today is facing more challenges than ever before, with new and emerging technologies like 5G coming onboard and unprecedented demand for connectivity, especially during the current pandemic. Building applications and services as quickly as possible is important for every industry, but speed alone is hardly ever an arbiter of success. What’s needed … continue reading
AWS is enabling teams to address application weaknesses with the introduction of the AWS Fault Injection Simulator at is virtual AWS re:Invent 2020 conference this week. The simulator is a chaos engineering tool expected to be generally available in 2021. According to the company, the new offering will come packed with pre-built templates for creating … continue reading
The drastic increase in volume of tests and the speed of software production has necessitated more efficient automated testing to handle repetitive tasks. The growing “shift-left” approach in Agile development processes has also pushed testing much earlier in the application life cycle. “There is a challenge to testing in the sense that we need to … continue reading
Testing is a crucial piece of the software life cycle but QA teams often can’t produce enough test coverage quickly enough because they are bogged down by test maintenance. Test maintenance often takes more than 50% of a QA team’s time. testRigor, a plain English-based testing system, is easing the pain points of QA teams … continue reading
I was recently hired to do an in-depth analysis of the software testing tool marketplace. By the way, there are more tools in the software testing space than a do-it yourself, home improvement warehouse. Given this opportunity to survey a broad set of software testing tool vendors, it was pretty interesting to look at the … continue reading
Airlines are all about safety. That’s their number one concern. And what they do to help predict that planes will take off and arrive safely is to run different scenarios based on variances in the weight of the plane and the fuel it would consume to test for safety. But Ryan Papineau, a senior software … continue reading