Topic: vsm

Live long and prosper: New roles for survival in a digital-first world

Navigating the digital-first world requires organizations to explore new frontiers to deliver more value to their customers. While the tech oligopoly can provide customers with digital solutions at warp speed, traditional enterprises need a little help. Many IT leaders, such as CIOs, are taking proactive measures to improve market response through software by adopting practices … continue reading

Results from HCL Software's VSM survey

Survey: Early VSM adopters reaping benefits

In the software development industry, value stream management (VSM) is a relatively new concept. While it’s been used in physical manufacturing for decades, it’s application within software development poses unique challenges, in that the product is always changing and — in a more esoteric sense — software development is not linear. So it’s not surprising … continue reading

Business and DevOps value streams need better alignment’s 2020 State of Agile report revealed that over half of its survey respondents either had implemented or were planning to implement value stream management (VSM). But despite its popularity, in many organizations it has fallen into the same trap as many new development methodologies — it’s not being implemented 100% correctly. Often, VSM is … continue reading adds Numerify and Experitest to its value stream portfolio

TPG Capital-backed company has announced the acquisition of Numerify and Experitest. Numerify is an artificial intelligence analytics company that will provide AI-powered business analytics while Experitest is a continuous quality provider that will add continuous testing to’s value stream platform. According to the company, Numerify will become the “central nervous system” of the … continue reading

State of Agile report reveals an increased interest in value stream management

As organizations are looking to expand Agile practices throughout the entire business, they are starting to turn to value stream management (VSM). released the 14th annual State of Agile report, which revealed 78% of respondents are interested in VSM, planning to implement it, or in the stages of implementing it.  “We expect a greater … continue reading

D2 Emerge to launch industry’s first value stream event targeting development teams

D2 Emerge, publisher of Software Development Times magazine and ITOps Times, today announced it is launching Virtual VSM DevCon, a one-day training event for teams interested in creating value streams in their organization to gain efficiencies and eliminate waste from their processes. The event will be held on July 22, 2020. Since January 2019, when SD … continue reading

Creating value requires feedback loops

While companies are starting down the value stream, assessing and mapping their operations and product delivery to find areas of bottleneck and waste, another critical aspect of value stream management is feedback loops. People discuss applying manufacturing techniques to software creation and delivery, and breaking down their product portfolios into work for the development or … continue reading

Report uncovers value stream’s impact on software delivery

Value Stream Management (VSM) is quickly becoming the go-to approach as organizations look to fully unlock their software delivery life cycle. According to a recent report, 95% of enterprises either are interested, have plans to or already have adopted VSM. The report was commissioned by CollabNet VersionOne and conducted by Forrester. It looks at responses from … continue reading

How can organizations successfully navigate the value stream with your solution?

Brian Muskoff, director of DevOps strategy at HCL Technologies, IT and digital solutions provider  We believe value stream management is an everyday solution to improve collaboration, delivery flow and business results. With HCL UrbanCode Velocity, teams can immediately change the nature of their Agile + DevOps practices with our value stream visualization that we call … continue reading

Getting the most value out of your value streams

Organizations cannot ignore today’s ongoing digital transformation. With every company now becoming a software company, if software isn’t being created correctly and quickly enough, industry pundits argue, companies are going to find it difficult to stay alive.  “There is a digital transformation going on and if you are not changing the way you are doing … continue reading

CollabNet VersionOne positioned to create DevOps initiatives for large enterprises

Following its recent investment from TPG Capital, CollabNet VersionOne plans on using its new $500 million to expand partnerships and creating comprehensive solutions that drive AI and value stream management (VSM) throughout enterprises.  VSM solutions allow companies to capture, create, deliver and measure the flow of business value throughout their application development life cycles, a … continue reading

CollabNet VersionOne introduces new solution for Value Stream Management

CollabNet VersionOne announced the latest release of its VS solution at the 2018 Agile conference happening in San Diego this week. VS aims to provide insight, visibility and traceability into the code to revenue value stream. The latest release is designed to enable the practice of Value Stream Management at the enterprise level. “This release … continue reading Protection Status