#1: Parallax
Parallax is a simple, lightweight engine that reacts to the orientation of a smart device. Written in JavaScript by Matthew Wagerfield, Parallax offsets layers depending on their depth within a scene, using the position of the cursor if no gyroscope or motion detection hardware is available. There’s even a fancy demo.

#2: Maximum Awesome
This appropriately dubbed project from Square is built for Mac OS X, and configures files for Vim and tmux, “lovingly tended by a small subculture of peace-loving hippies.” The project also packs syntax highlighting with the Solarized color scheme, along with a sidebar buffer for navigating and manipulating files, and a project file filter for easily opening specific files.

#3 NProgress and #5: Ungit were detailed in last week’s Top 5 list, while we previewed #4: Bootstrap two weeks ago.