It wasn’t pretty, but The Linker’s beloved New York Football Giants were able to secure their first win of this dreadful football season by finally playing a team that’s apparently worse than they are! So, despite trying to give the game away with fumbles and poor passes that should have been intercepted, the Giants win has left the Jacksonville Jaguars with the worst record in the league. To celebrate. The Linker today is giving away links, and he advises you not to fumble them away. They can help you and your SharePoint team reach the goal!
Top 10 jQuery uses in SharePoint 2010…
SharePoint still isn’t dead… even on-premise SharePoint.
Ten tips for making your SharePoint project a success…
Social, cloud and concerns about governance…
Error: The provided app differs from another app with the same version and product ID…
SharePoint 2013: Supporting analytics on the back end…
Finally… What is the future for Microsoft’s SharePoint?
Not-so-random YouTube entry: Winning is everything