Atlassian, a leading provider of collaboration software for teams, today announced Atlassian Stash Data Center, the first enterprise Git solution that supports massive scale. With high availability, performance at scale and fine-grained permissions, Stash DataCenter is the ideal solution for enterprises looking to unlock collaborative workflows for their growing software teams and manage distributed development on their own infrastructure. 
“We’ve got over 3000 developers worldwide at Amadeus migrating to our Git source control system. We’re excited for the increased performance and scalability of Atlassian’s Stash Data Center,” said Frederic Ros, head of software development engineering at Amadeus. “Features such as clustering for load-balancing and reliability, fine-grain permissions, branching and forking for large-scale coordinated development efforts and the availability of source code for customizations make the new Stash Data Center a no-brainer for bringing Git into the Enterprise.” 
Stash Data Center introduces active-active clustering to its line-up of highly collaborative and secure features, including:
  • Simple set-up.  Clustering is baked into the set-up process so teams can quickly get up-and-running on Git.
  • Performance at scale. Handle demand from thousands of users and tens of thousands of Continuous Integration server requests.  Grow capacity by adding additional nodes in real time.  No downtime or additional licensing fees per node required.
  • High availability. Stash Data Center’s active-active clustering reduces the risk of system downtime. The Data Center platform integrates with industry standard technologies for database clustering and shared file systems to minimize single points of failure.
  • Collaborative workflows. With branch-based workflows and pull requests, Stash Data Center lets multiple developers collaborate on the same code without impacting the main codebase. As part of Git Essentials, Stash integrates with both JIRA and Bamboo to create the best workflow for your entire software team.
  • Fine-grained permissions. Stash Data Center includes flexible global permissions that can be fine tuned at the project, repository, or even branch levels.
  • Extensibility. Customize Stash Data Center via REST endpoints and Git hooks or take advantage of Stash add-ons available on the Atlassian Marketplace.
“We’ve seen thousands of organizations adopt Stash because it gives their softwareteams a more flexible and secure way to work with Git than the alternativesdevelopers are using for open source today”, said Eric Wittman, Atlassian Developer Tools general manager. “Now with Stash Data Center, enterprises not only get the flexible workflows and security they need, but also the ability to easily scale capacity as their teams grow.”
Atlassian Stash Data Center is available today as a beta. Once released, Stash Data Center will be covered by Atlassian premier level customer support, technical account management and authorized enterprise partners and will offer the same high value pricing as JIRA Data Center and Confluence Data Center — priced at $24,000 per year per 1000 users. To sign up for the Stash Data Center beta or for more information, visit