Google partners with Oxford University on artificial intelligence research
Google is advancing its artificial intelligence research. The company recently announced DeepMind’s plans to work with two of Oxford’s artificial research teams. The teams will work toward enabling machines to better understand its users.
“These exciting partnerships underline how committed Google DeepMind is to supporting the development of UK academia and the growth of strong scientific research labs,” wrote Demis Hassabis, cofounder of DeepMind and vice president of engineering at Google, wrote on the company’s blog.
In addition, Google will make a donation to the Computer Science Department and the Engineering Department at Oxford University to include a program of student internships and a series of lectures and workshops.
Ebay open sources Kylin, an OLAP engine for Big Data
Ebay recently released its distributed analytics engine to the open-source community. Kylin is designed to speed up analytics on Hadoop and allow the use of SQL-compatible tools.
Kylin’s features for Big Data analytics include a fast OLAP engine at scale, ANSI SQL on Hadoop, interactive query capability, MOLAP cube query serving on billions of rows, integration with BI tools, and open-source ODBC driver.
“To develop and grow an even stronger ecosystem around Kylin, we are currently working on proposing Kylin as an Apache Incubator project. With distinguished sponsors from the Hadoop developer community supporting Kylin, such as Owen O’Malley (Hortonworks co-founder and Apache member) and Julian Hyde (original author of Apache Calcite, also with Hortonworks), we believe that the greater open-source community can take Kylin to the next level,” the company wrote on its blog.