Despite the benefits artificial intelligence brings to the lifecycle, not a lot of developers are taking advantage of it. A newly released report from DigitalOcean found only 17 percent of respondents worked with artificial intelligence or machine learning in 2017.
However, 73 percent of those not using AI, plan to at least learn more about the technology in 2018. Over half of the respondents (63%) cited automating workflows as a big challenge in 2018. Incorporating machine learning and artificial intelligence was the second biggest challenge to be faced next year, according to 32 percent of respondents.
In addition, the report revealed only 42 percent of respondents are using continuous integration or continuous delivery. Those who are not using it say it is because it isn’t necessary for their workflow, they plan to use it or that it is too complicated.
The Q4 report is designed to look at emerging software development trends that can give developers an idea of what to expect in 2018. The company surveyed more than 2,500 people in the software development community.
Another key finding was that Linux is still the server operating system of choice, with 89 percent of respondents saying it was their preferred choice. The other options were Windows (8%), MacOS (2%), and BSD (1%).
Almost half of the respondents said that they would be looking for a new job in 2018 with work environment and culture to be the most important aspect when considering a new company.
Finally, 67 percent of respondents reported LetsEncrypt as their favorite SSL provider. The second place choice, Comodo, only had eight percent of respondents favoring it. GoDaddy came in a six percent and Verisign at 3 percent.