Android Lollipop’s usage is slowly rising. Google just released its Android usage data, with Lollipop making its debut about three months since its public launch; the data showed about 1.6% of users are now using it.
KitKat is still the most used version of Android with 39.7% of users, a slight increase from last month’s data.
More information is available here.
ASF sums up 2014
The Apache Software Foundation has posted a summary of its operations from October through December of 2014, rounding up its new projects and other news about its open-source community, infrastructure and budget.
As of the start of the new year, the ASF encompasses more than 350 projects, including 160 Top-level Projects, 110 sub-projects (not in the original census), 36 podlings in the Apache Incubator, and 39 technical initiatives in the Apache Labs. Several new projects entered the Incubator in late 2014, including Corinthia, HTrace, Ignite, Kylin, Lens, NiFi, SAMOA, Tamaya, Taverna and Zeppelin. On the other end of the pipeline, Apache DeviceMap, Drill, Falcon, and MetaModel graduated to Top-Level Projects while Hadoop Development Tools retired from the Incubator.
The ASF also focused on paying down technical debt over its core configuration management services, improved its Continuous Integration platform, and debuted a code-signing service.
The full summary is available here.
OpenSSH 6.8 to feature key discovery and rotation
Version 6.8 of the OpenSSH encrypted communications tool will feature a new extension to the SSH protocol for sshd to automatically send all of its public keys to the client.
According to OpenSSH developer Damien Miller, who implemented and created the feature, the key discovery and rotation feature will automatically replace all server keys within specific hosts in an effort to make it easier to switch from DSA to the OpenSSL-free Ed25519 public keys.
More details are available in Miller’s blog post.
White House open-sources the President’s fiscal year 2016 budget
All of the data from President Obama’s 2016 fiscal year budget is now available on GitHub.
“The budget process should be a reflection of our values as a country, and we think it’s important that members of the public have as many tools as possible at their disposal to review the President’s proposals—and to have an opportunity to give feedback,” wrote Nathaniel Lubin, acting director for the office of digital strategy, on the White House’s blog.
Providing all the data via GitHub allows anyone to develop their own visualizations or products based on the data, according to Lubin.
In addition, President Obama proposed providing funding to 25 agencies in order to develop digital teams that can ensure the quality and efficiency of online government services.
The full budget can be found here.