Cleveroad, a website and web application development company, gives developers endless possibilities to create customizations on various components of Android applications.
Last year, SD Times highlighted Cleveroad’s open-source Android library Bitutorial, which lets developers “jazz up” their usual interactions by adding customizable options to applications.
In order to further help developers create better Android user experiences, the team decided to create a convenient and free CSV library for other developers that are in need of reading, editing, and writing CSV file features. With AdaptiveTableLayout, a new open-source CSV library created by Cleveroad Android developer Alexey Yarovoy, developers can customize their applications and easily implement the library’s features.
AdaptiveTableLayout makes it possible to read and edit CSV files, reshuffle rows and columns, fix headers to the edge, make diagonal scrolling, and add drag-and-drop features. According to the team, Android developers since they can make use of all the library features in their software if it works with CSV files.
Developers will find the two following data adapters to be useful as well:
- BaseDataAdaptiveTableLayoutAdapter: Designed to work with a light data. It allows developers to change original data after switching on each column/row.
- LinkedAdaptiveTableAdapter: This can work the heavy data. It uses the matrix with changed items with links on it. Original data cannot be changed when using this adapter.
According to the team, the goal of the library is to apply all its functions in the process of working with CSV files. To use the library in a valuable way, the team suggests using its CSV Editor app from the Google Play Store or Appetize.
Top 5 trending projects on GitHub this week:
#1. Lower Level Programming University: How to be a low-level programmer.
#2. Caffe2: Facebook’s lightweight, modular, and scalable deep learning framework. SD Times featured it here.
#3. Algorithms: Minimal examples of data structures and algorithms in Python.
#4. Shadow Broker: The Shadow Brokers “Lost in Translation” leak
#5. Mastodon: Mastadon, a free social network servicer, stays in the #5 spot this week!
(Sadly, FreeCodeCamp has fallen of the list…will it return next week?)