#1: Satellizer
Satellizer is an end-to-end, token-based authentication module for AngularJS with built-in support for Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter authentication providers. Developed by Sahat Yalkabov, Satellizer lets developers add any OAuth 1.0 or 2.0 provider by passing provider-specific information during the configuration step, according to its GitHub page.
#2: Scraperjs
Scraperjs is a versatile Web scraper module for scraping and crawling multiple websites without having to map out every URL format. Created by Rui Gil, the module exposes two different scrapers: the low-footprint SimpleScraper and heavier DynamicScraper for dynamic content.
#3: Way.js
This JavaScript library developed by Gwendall provides lightweight, framework-agnostic two-way data binding with zero dependencies and little JavaScript coding. Any change in an HTML element form will be stored in-memory. The bound span’s HTML will be changed on the fly and the bound data will be persistent, meaning your HTML will be populated with data on page reloads, according to its GitHub page.
#4: Lime, a Sublime Text clone, makes its triumphant return to the Top 5 after its first appearance way back in October of 2013.
#5: JavaScript Quality Guide
“This style guide aims to provide the ground rules for an application’s JavaScript code, such that its highly readable and consistent across different developers on a team,” according to its GitHub page. Compiled by Nicolas Bevacqua, the guide’s focus is on quality and coherence across the different pieces of an application, from modules, spacing and linting, to strings, functions, arrays and expressions.