JetBrains has announced the first public preview for Qodana Cloud, which is a cloud based extension of the code quality platform Qodana.
According to the company, Qodana Cloud collects data from Qodana linters and gathers them in a single place, which allows developers to dive deeper into particular issues.
JetBrains explained that having to switch between linters can slow down the code review process, so Qodana Cloud will eliminate some of that friction.
Teams can use the new solution to discover trends and patterns in code across all projects, which will give them a more complete understanding of how their projects and teams are performing.
The platform offers the ability to create separate organizations, teams, and projects, and assign a single team to several projects.
Each project also displays the history of previous checks, which allows you to compare quality checks across commits.
Similar to Qodana, users can open issues right from the IDE, enabling them to fix server-side errors from the editor, the company explained.
Future releases will add role-based access control to enable teams to create permissions based on what a user needs to complete their job. They are also working to add additional security controls and enable quick fixes for certain issue types.