Programming boot camps have been designed to help aspiring developers learn the necessary skills employers are looking for, but what about advanced developers who want to fine-tune their skills? Code Fellows, a digital trade school, has restructured its offerings to help more experienced developers accelerate their career.   

“By modifying our course offerings, we’re able to provide a learning plan that’s tailored for each individual student based on the skills and experience they’re bringing to the table,” said Kristin Smith, Code Fellows’ CEO. “While most in the industry take a ‘one-course-fits-all’ approach, we’re ushering in a modular system that will not only enhance our student success rate, but it will also ensure that each student gets the maximum value out of their Code Fellows learning experience.”

(Related: Coding boot camps skyrocketing in 2014)

Experienced developers can now sign up for an eight-week Development Accelerator course at Code Fellows. Those who sign up should already know the essentials of data structures and algorithms, as well as be able to write basic apps.

While this sounds like a great opportunity, the price can be steep. A Development Accelerator course can cost US$10,000. Financing is available, but does the cost of the course outweigh the skills to be taught?

Code Fellows guarantees that it will help developers land a high-paying job offer. According to the digital school, 81% of its graduates received a job offer within three months of graduating, with an average starting salary of $75,600 a year. In addition, the top reported Code Fellow graduate salary of 2013 was $155,000.

Code Fellows will also refund tuition if graduates don’t find a job after nine months of graduating a Development Accelerator course.

The Development Accelerator courses are focused on Full-Stack, JavaScript, iOS, Ruby on Rails, Python, and front-end user experience design and development skills.

Upcoming Development Accelerator courses can be found here.