Microsoft has announced a new community driven CodePlex project called Office App Model Samples (AMS). This CodePlex project has been created to share different community created CAM or SP App scenarios for the benefit of the community. Microsoft will be revising and enhancing the AMS samples and they should be considered just that: samples.

Microsoft is working with the MSDN Content Publishing team to take the most impactful and useful samples that complete common customer scenarios and publishing them as “Solution Packs” of content as well as “Sample Packs” of sample code that has been reviewed by the Office365 team and blessed as a recommended way to approach these scenarios.

This package is released by a group of volunteers who are committed to continue further expanding this sample package in the future. Feel free to use the example code and scenarios in anyway you need within your projects or customer work, but please do not (yet) make the package externally available. Currently the package contains mainly implementations for the SharePoint side, but we are looking to extend it with Office Apps as well.

Where is this material release?
Material is released in specific Office AMS CodePlex situate The company will continue updating this package with additional scenarios and examples based on the feedback from the community.

Involved persons in initial release
Here’s the full list of involved persons in its initial release to CodePlex. Microsoft also already has a few additional scenarios pending for additional persons, so this list will just keep on growing.
• Amar Bhogal
• Anna Ngo
• Bert Jansen
• Bob Fox
• Christian Heide Damm
• Craig Riter
• Frank Marasco
• Freddy Kristiansen
• Joe Rodgers
• Johan Skårman
• Karim Kameka
• Ken Milne
• Kiki Shuxteau
• Kimmo Forss
• Kirk Evans
• Matt Mazzola
• Michael O’Donovan
• Richard diZerega
• Rob Howard
• Sean Squires
• Sonya Koptyev
• Steve Walker
• Suman Chakrabarti
• Vesa Juvonen
• Wayne Ewington

Quick list of included scenarios
There’s quite a few different scenarios included in the package. These include SP hosted and provider hosted examples, which demonstrates the power of Cloud App Model or the SP App patterns in general. Microsoft will continue adding new examples in also in future.
• Cloud based site collection provisioning
• Creating site collections remotely using SP Apps in on-premises
• Provision and integrate Yammer group into site provisioning
• Manage and update theme settings in host web
• Changing host web rendering with custom CSS
• Site policy management with CSOM
• Wiki page manipulation using CSOM
• Site collection enumeration
• Setting up Apps to Windows Azure with specific roles
• People picker implementation for provider hosted app
• Taxonomy picker implementation for provider hosted app
• Utilization of JavaScript injection pattern to modify the UI for end users
• Uploading of large files to SharePoint
• Deploy branding to personal SkyDrive Pro sites automatically
• Automate any SharePoint site and site collection settings using browser mimic pattern
• Connect to and manipulate Office365 sites using console application
• Provide custom template pattern for sub site creation
• Manipulation of user profile properties remotely
• Build sync of user profile properties in cloud
• Taxonomy driven navigation control using JavaScript
• Mass deployment of branding elements from console app
• Hybrid self-service site collection provisioning – one UI for cloud and on-prem
• Synchronization of user profile pictures from on-prem to SharePoint Online
• Dynamic permission handling
• Remote event receivers from host web