Perfecto Mobile is looking to focus on continuous quality by testing earlier and more often throughout the mobile application development life cycle. The company has released Continuous Quality Lab, which is designed to build apps faster, according to Roi Carmel, vice president of product and strategy at Perfecto Mobile.
“Since the beginning of the year, we started investing more and more in how we are baking quality activity not just into the last testing phases—or what we call the acceptance test phase or the QA team that is responsible for that phase—but really looking into how do we address different phases of the life cycle that are becoming more and more critical for the end result of good customer experience,” he said.
Continuous Quality Lab is a hybrid cloud-based solution, powered by Perfecto Mobile’s MobileCloud, which allows teams to test and drive quality into their applications from the first day of development all the way until the app is launched and in production, according to Carmel.
“The pressure on mobile app development and test teams to deliver better apps faster while managing quality, reducing risk, and improving time to market is forcing dev/test teams to adopt new practices that drive a paradigm shift toward continuous quality, or baking quality and testing into every step of the app life cycle,” said Carmel. “Perfecto Mobile’s Continuous Quality Lab builds on the company’s expertise in the mobile app testing market and acts as the new generation of the previously offered MobileCloud, enabling organizations to accelerate their mobile app delivery without compromising the quality of their application.”
Continuous Quality Lab features a layer of open APIs that will allow users to connect the lab to any tool, language or IDE—including open-source frameworks and systems. Its services range from manual testing and automated functional and non-functional testing, to proactive performance and monitoring once the application is launched. Other features include the ability to test on real devices and networks, the ability to virtualize environments, and the ability to build a cloud for mobile app testing that meets users’ needs.
“We are not targeting just the QA team; we are not targeting just the monitoring team or the operations teams; we are actually trying to tie all of those roles into one single platform that is consistent across all phases so that we can provide value from very early development,” said Carmel.
Continuous Quality Lab integrates with Calabash, the Jenkins CI server, Selenium, and Unified Functional Testing. Going forward, the company plans on adding more support for every major IDE, language, CI technology and open-source framework and tools.
In addition, Perfecto Mobile announced a new universal automated license that allows customers to use their licenses for any type of automation tool they choose.