The upcoming release of Android Q is one step closer to its final release with the announcement of beta 4, final APIs and the official SDK. According to Google, if they haven’t already, developers should start to prepare their apps for the final summer release.
Android Q focuses on three themes: innovation, security and privacy, and digital wellbeing. Dave Burke, VP of engineering at Google, explained the release will address 5G, foldable technology, edge-to-edge screens, and machine learning as well as providing a secure and private OS for users.
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The latest beta release will include updated Android Q system images for Pixel and Android Emulator, updated Android Studio build tools, and API level 29.
In order to prepare for the release, Burke recommended developers start testing existing apps for compatibility through the Android Q Beta device or emulator. Things to keep an eye on include behavior changes, privacy changes, gestural navigation, and changes to dynamic linker paths. Privacy changes will include new location permissions and restrictions on background activity. Other considerations include scoped storage, fullscreen intents, and uses of restricted non-SDK interfaces.
“When you’ve finished your testing and made any updates, we recommend publishing your compatible app right away. This lets Android Beta users test the app now, and helps you deliver a smooth transition to users as they update to Android Q,” Burke wrote in a post.
New features expected to be released with Android Q include improved biometric authentication, ability to run embedded DEX code directly from APK, network connection APIs and TLS 1.3 support.