harmon.ie, a proven enterprise mobile collaboration leader, today showcased its new harmon.ie for Windows Phone product at the SharePoint Conference in Las Vegas, Booth #2024. The addition of support for Windows Phone rounds out the harmon.ie offering and creates the industry’s first mobile collaboration hub – a collection of connected apps that provides a single-screen experience for Microsoft-based enterprise collaboration.
“Tapping the harmon.ie enterprise mobile collaboration platform on iPads, we’ve been able to harness the power of mobile technology to streamline the collaboration and approval workflows for space operations documentation and significantly reduce the time it takes staff to work through previously tedious review and approval cycles – the results have been out of this world,” said Dr. Carmine Bailey, Director, Space Utilization & Operations for a contractor to a federal agency. “The new harmon.ie support for Windows Phone extends the potential business impact of its mobile collaboration hub for organizations looking to cut costs and increase efficiency is limitless.”
harmon.ie, having experienced 400 percent year-over-year growth in mobile application sales in 2013 and certified by all leading mobile device management (MDM) vendors, continues to expand its offering to meet the rising demand for enterprise-ready mobile collaboration solutions. harmon.ie now provides unparalleled collaboration across all of the Microsoft document and social tools (e.g., Office 365, SharePoint, Lync, SkyDrive, Pro, Yammer, email, phone) on any platform – desktop (Outlook, Notes), mobile (Android, Blackberry 10, iOS, Windows), and cloud (OWA).
There is a clear market need for mobile collaboration solutions. Gartner analysts Monica Basso and Bryan Taylor highlight a basic struggle for today’s mobile workers in “IT Market Clock for Enterprise Mobility, 2013” [September 2013], noting, “People struggle with too many mobile communication applications, such as calls, email, IM, SMS and social networks.” Recognized by Gartner in the enterprise mobility report as a “selected vendor”, harmon.ie delivers an intuitive, unified experience for today’s mobile business users to streamline the mobile work environment and boost efficiency.
“Global enterprises are embracing the mobile collaboration era – empowering their employees to get their jobs done more effectively, anywhere, anytime,” noted Yaacov Cohen, CEO of harmon.ie. “We are driving employee productivity and collaboration in a complex, mobile-reliant business environment, and completing our mobile platform support with the addition of the Windows Phone was a critical step. This is a significant milestone as we continue to expand the reach of our collaboration offeringsover time as customer needs evolve.”