McObject, provider of the eXtremeDB In-Memory Database System (IMDS) and related product family, announced it has released eXtremeDB version 4.5. The upgrade improves performance in many key features, and introduces an integration option with third-party message router hardware to accelerate communication in fault-tolerant eXtremeDB High Availability deployments. Version 4.5 also boosts developer productivity, with enhancements including a new Java application programming interface (API), improved SQL and High Availability interfaces, more efficient and scalable versions of popular database indexes, and more.
eXtremeDB 4.5 adds a Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver for developing applications and accessing existing eXtremeDB databases in Java. The driver supports JDBC version 4, level 4 and is included with eXtremeSQL (eXtremeDB’s SQL ODBC interface). eXtremeDB already includes a Java Native Interface (JNI) with all editions; JDBC can deliver higher efficiency than native APIs for certain operations, such as complex queries and mass updates/deletes.
eXtremeDB 4.5 targets mission critical applications in the high performance computing sector by integrating the database system’s High Availability (HA) edition with Solace Systems’ Solace Message Router appliance. The integration enables the Solace device to serve as the communication channel in an eXtremeDB-HA deployment.
With Solace Systems’ ultra-fast hardware-based messaging middleware as the “wire” between master and replica database nodes, the Solace router’s guaranteed message delivery feature enables eXtremeDB-HA to use a streamlined HA protocol and to eliminate one part of the messaging process (namely the “message acknowledgement” step). The result is less network traffic, reduced latency and a significantly faster transaction rate.
“The new eXtremeDB 4.5 bundles major improvements with many new features and refinements of existing capabilities. JDBC enjoys wide familiarity among enterprise developers, and the new driver meets a growing need as eXtremeDB’s use expands beyond its embedded systems origins,” said Steve Graves, McObject CEO and co-founder. “The eXtremeDB High Availability – Solace Message Router integration emerged from a successful McObject consulting project, and has applicability in low latency/high frequency trading, network infrastructure, and other uses where mission critical infrastructure applications demand both fault-tolerance and low-latency.”
Additional enhancements in eXtremeDB 4.5 include the following:
Improved eXtremeSQL and eXtremeDB High Availability APIs. eXtremeSQL adds support for static virtual tables, extends the JOIN…ON clause with new operators, adds support for Patricia trie indexes via SQL, and optimizes multiple SQL statements. The eXtremeDB High Availability database API has been streamlined for more efficient development with simplified parameters and other improvements.
Better R-tree and hash indexes. Previously, developers sized hash indexes when defining a database. An overly small size estimate could lead to performance-reducing collisions. eXtremeDB 4.5 introduces a dynamic hash index that grows as data is added, for greater speed and scalability. eXtremeDB’s implementation of the R-tree index – used in mapping/geospatial applications – is faster and now includes the MCO_NEIGHBORHOOD search type, which facilitates a search for index entries within a given radius of a point, to simplify searches like “find the nearest gas station.”
New database browser capabilities. The eXtremeDB browser utility gives developers a view into databases and a mechanism to list and modify objects. Version 4.5 adds tools that enable developers to create browsers for end-users to explore database content and data interrelationships within the context of their applications. It includes sample code showing how to create such an application-specific browser.
Improved transaction managers. The eXtremeDB multiple-reader, single writer (MURSIW) transaction manager has added a “mostly read” mode to accommodate application data access patterns that write to the database only occasionally. It enables eXtremeDB to remove some locks, leading to better overall performance. This mode has been used in router applications to access configuration data that is frequently read but rarely modified. McObject also optimized the multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) transaction manager in version 4.5.
Faster transaction logging. eXtremeDB Transaction Logging edition offers significantly faster performance via improved buffering and lightweight locking mechanisms in version 4.5.