Akana announced its 2020.1 release which gives API product managers improved business analytics for increased visibility into API usage metrics across the enterprise.
According to the company, it includes operational analytics that understand usage parameters across the API product portfolio, security and policy violations, as well as streaming analytics with Kafka.
“Akana’s “no-code” developer portal allows developers designing and creating APIs to immediately publish APIs to expand business partnerships, and create and customize multiple portals based on APIs you want to expose to different communities and business lines,” Akana wrote in a post.
IBM’s quantum volume upgrade
IBM has upgraded one of its newest 27-qubit client-deployed systems to achieve a Quantum Volume 64. The company has made a total of 28 quantum computers available over the last four years through IBM Quantum Experience.
IBM used a new set of hardware-aware methods that are extensible and can improve any quantum circuit run on any IBM Quantum system.
These techniques will be available in upcoming releases and improvements to the IBM Cloud software services and the cross-platform open source SDK Qiskit.
Hazelcast announces event-driven architectures
The release of Hazelcast Jet includes new application development features to its stream processing architecture.
The features enable existing infrastructure to gracefully extend to an event-driven architecture, enabling new functionality with real-time and in-memory processing, according to the company in a post.
To reduce the effort required by developers, Hazelcast Jet now supports streaming integration with MySQL and PostgreSQL databases using a unified high-level API.
Cognizant and Tricentis team up on SAP testing solutions
The companies announced a collaboration to integrate testing solutions to simplify and accelerate SAP S/4HANA implementation.
The SAP S/4HANA ERP system includes built-in intelligent technologies, including AI, machine learning, and advanced analytics.
“Cognizant’s quality assurance and testing expertise and Tricentis’ AI-enabled, automated, continuous testing tools reduce enterprise resource planning (ERP) migration time, cost, and uncertainty,” Cognizant stated.