Android announced that it would migrate all of its current build systems to Bazel.
While components of Bazel have been already checked into the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) source tree, this will be a phased migration over the next few Android releases and will include many concrete and digestible milestones to make the transformation as seamless and easy as possible, according to the Android team.
Migrating to Bazel will enable AOSP to provide better support for conditionals, allow for greater introspection into the AOSP build progress and dependencies, and more.
More information on what this means is available here.
Databricks launches SQL Analytics to enable cloud data warehousing on data lakes
Databricks announced the launch of SQL Analytics, which enables data analysts to perform workloads previously meant for only a data warehouse on a data lake.
According to the company, this will expand the traditional scope of the data lake from data science and machine learning to include all data workloads including business intelligence (BI) and SQL.
“We’ve worked with thousands of customers to understand where they want to take their data strategy, and the answer is overwhelmingly in favor of data lakes. The fact is that they have massive amounts of data in their data lakes and with SQL Analytics, they now can actually query that data by connecting directly to their BI tools like Tableau,” said Ali Ghodsi, the CEO and cofounder of Databricks.
Secure Code Warrior announces Missions
Missions offers hands-on, interactive coding simulations of real-world applications that aim to encourage developers to experience the real-time impact of their code practices in a safe environment.
“Missions is like a flight simulator for coders. Just like a pilot who needs to continually train to keep flying, Missions offers practical applications of live code in a hyper-relevant environment designed to encourage coders to understand attacks, practice and perfect their secure coding skills and knowledge,” said Pieter Danhieux, the co-founder and CEO of Secure Code Warrior.
Secure Code Warrior Missions are included as part of Secure Code Warrior’s standard feature set, with seven language frameworks supported at launch.
Facebook announces Accessibility VRCs
The new Virtual Reality Checks (VRCs) are a set of technical recommendations designed to help applications become more accessible and inclusive for all people.
These Accessibility VRCs focus on audio, visuals, interactions, locomotion/movement, and other aspects of accessible design – ways to make your app more compelling to more people. The new Accessibility VRCs launch today on Quest and Rift platforms.
Facebook also launched developer documentation with guidelines for how to address these VRCs, the new comprehensive resource “Accessibility and Inclusive Design in Immersive Experiences,” as well as a “Designing Accessible VR Experiences” video.
Menlo Security announces additional $100 million funding
Menlo Security said that these additional resources will enable the company to meet the accelerating demand it is seeing for SWG as well as Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) solutions.
Looking ahead, the Menlo team said it is focused on empowering organizations with the essential cloud security platform needed to outsmart threats and protect productivity.
“We’ve experienced enormous success integrating Menlo into our defense in depth strategy. Menlo’s web isolation technology has allowed our organization to protect against advanced web-based client-side exploits while also providing an opportunity to significantly reduce bandwidth utilization,” Menlo stated in a post.