Grafana 7.0 includes significant enhancements to simplify the development of custom plugins and drastically increase the power, speed, and flexibility of visualization.
The UI now includes a new table panel, a new grid layout engine, and data visualizations are now based on specific data configurations (min/max/mean graphs, etc.) to provide better consistency across Grafana.
Other additions include an advanced plugins platform, support for Jaeger data source, a new Transformations capability to enable users to transform all types of data, and more.
Additional details are available here.
Fluent UI updates
Microsoft has updated its Fluent UI with the new Fluent UI React Native Library and cross-platform components design to make it easier for JavaScript developers to deliver experiences across devices to customers more quickly.
The company is also working to deliver a more coherent, productive experience and to modernize its theming architecture.
Additional details are available here.
Microsoft Q&A now available
Microsoft Q&A is now the official Microsoft site to support all the questions related to Azure services.
Microsoft stated that it onboarded more services and key features for the service since its initial launch on October 20, 2019 as a Preview.
The latest updates to Microsoft Q&A include instant related answers, a new home and product page, Microsoft Employee and Microsoft MVP affiliation shown on the Q&A user cards and profile, improvements to the editor, and the more.
Additional details are available here.
Sentry announces APM capabilities
Sentry added deeper insights and monitoring capabilities for mobile applications. With Release Health, customers can surface issues in the UI and pinpoint where the release began to degrade.
It offers developers metrics for version adoption, crash-free sessions, crash-free users, as well as real-time crash reporting and run-time errors within a single view.
RedisAI and RedisGears now available
RedisAI elevates inferencing performance and efficiency up to 10x by serving models within Redis and RedisGears is a serverless engine for infinite data-processing options at milliseconds speed across Redis data-structures, modules, and cluster nodes.
“Integrated with MLflow, RedisAI eases the management of the AI lifecycle by allowing running models to be updated seamlessly and without downtime,” Redis Labs wrote in a post. It also includes built-in support for major AI backend systems including TensorFlow, PyTorch, and ONNX Runtime.
RedisGears allows developers to perform any type of operation across Redis’ data structures and modules. RedisGears functions can be developed once and used across any type of Redis deployment: open-source, Redis Enterprise software, or Redis Enterprise Cloud, according to the company.
Datical is now Liquibase, announces new/updated product portfolio
The company switched to the name Liquibase to follow the return to its open source roots.
The new and updated product portfolio includes Liquibase Enterprise, which helps enterprises and businesses in regulated industries to conduct fast and safe database deployments, Liquibase Business with enhanced visibility, Liquibase Pro, and Liquibase Community.
Also, Liquibase Community Build Server allows contributors to conduct their own testing and bolster open source community innovation.
Additional details are available here.