The Ruby 3.0 preview 1 introduces new features and performance improvements such as the ‘rbs’ gem, which allows parsing and processing type definitions written in RBS.
Additionally, the preview has a Ractor experimental feature, with which developers can make multiple tractors and run them in parallel.
‘Thread#scheduler’ is introduced for intercepting blocking operations. This allows for light-weight concurrency without changing existing code.
Additional details on the preview release are available here.
Cron Triggers now available for the Cloudflare Workers serverless compute platform
The cron pattern allows developers to schedule jobs to run at fixed intervals – ideal for running any types of periodic jobs like maintenance or calling third party APIs to get up-to-date data, according to Cloudflare.
“At Cloudflare, we believe strongly in edge computing and wanted our new feature to get all of the performance and reliability benefits of running on our edge,” Cloudflare wrote in a post. “Thus, we wrote a service in core that is responsible for distributing schedules to a new edge service through Quicksilver which will then trigger the Workers themselves.”
Cloudflare said it is working on adding more handlers in the future for other non-HTTP events like log information from Workers such as custom wrangler tail or TCP Workers.
TensorFlow Recommenders (TFRS) released to simplify building recommendation models
TFRS enables users to build and evaluate flexible candidate nomination models and to freely incorporate item, user, and context information into recommendation models.
“Our goal is to make it an evolving platform, flexible enough for conducting academic research and highly scalable for building web-scale recommender systems,” Tensorflow wrote in a blog post.
TFRS is based on TensorFlow 2.x and Keras, and is modular by design (so that users can easily customize individual layers and metrics), but still forms a cohesive whole (so that the individual components work well together).
Ivanti acquires MobileIron to secure every endpoint
Ivanti entered an agreement to acquire mobile-centric security platform for the Everywhere Enterprise MobileIron for $872 million in cash.
“By bringing MobileIron and Pulse Secure into the Ivanti portfolio, organizations will be able to manage and secure users, devices, data, and access to ensure that every device in an organization is covered, while delivering a contextual personalized employee experience,” MobileIron wrote in a post.
Weekly Apache updates
Last week, Apache announced IoTDB as a Top-Level Project, meaning it graduated from the Apache Incubator for passing a rigorous set of requirements and now has a project management committee to guide its day-to-day operations.
Also, Apache HttpComponents Core 5.1 BETA1 and Tomcat 7.0.106 was released in the servers field.
Additional details on all of the releases this week are available here and ApacheCon will take place between September 29th and October 1st.