Sparx Systems, a leading vendor of visual modeling tools, has included the official release of a UML profile for ArcGIS in its launch of Enterprise Architect 9.3. The new Enterprise Architect profile for the ArcGIS 10 suite of tools by Esri Inc. enhances the way that architects and analysts work with geospatial databases.

The Sparx Systems’ UML profile for ArcGIS is a new technology built on UML to design, build and share geodatabase schemas. Enterprise Architect provides a comprehensive toolset to build the ArcGIS models along with commonly used ArcGIS Workspace model templates. Models can be forward engineered to create the Workspace XML which is typically imported into ArcCatalog(TM). Legacy geodatabase schemas can be reverse engineered into Enterprise Architect to understand and document existing systems.

“This development reflects Sparx Systems’ commitment to facilitating interoperability within the geospatial domain and is a practical extension of the strong relationship that the company enjoys with the global geospatial standards community through ISO/TC 211, OGC and CEN/TC 287,” said Sparx Systems Business Development Manager, Ken Harkin.

In addition to the immediate benefits of modeling geospatial databases, this release helps to bridge the information gap between different domains, allowing geospatial components to be linked to requirements, system and business models. By bringing geospatial database design into a UML driven modeling repository, geodatabase designs can be created in a scalable environment based on open standards, linking to models and components in other domains and disciplines.

With the introduction of the Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect ArcGIS profile, geospatial experts are equipped with modeling tools to create and work with geodatabases as well as share and integrate their work with others. Further information and a trial version is available for download at: