Topic: cyanogenmod

Cyanogen to be discontinued, Apple’s AI research, Samsung Internet for Gear VR, Mozilla Firefox–SD Times news digest: December 27, 2016

The Android ROM company Cyanogen quietly announced it will be shutting down its services and Cyanogen-support nightly builds over the holiday break. The official end of life for Cyanogen will happen at the end of the year. According to the company, for those who still want to build CyanogenMod, the open-source project and code will … continue reading

CyanogenMod teases Gello mobile Web browser

Cyanogen, the Android ROM company behind the CyanogenMod OS fork of Android, has announced a new mobile Web browser it’s developing based on Google’s open-source Chromium browser project. (Related: Microsoft invests in Cyanogen to wrest Android from Google) Gello, teased in a brief Google+ video from Cyanogen team member Joey Rizzoli, showcases features such as … continue reading

Android-based Cyanogen OS 12 released, Movidius’ $40 million round of funding, and Twilio Video: April 14, 2015

Cyanogen is starting to roll out its version of Android Lollipop: Cyanogen OS 12. The new version features Android’s material design elements to provide users with a visual, interactive OS. Cyanogen OS 12 was designed to provide users a more personal operating system, according to the company, with extra theming features such as the ability … continue reading Protection Status