Topic: security

SD Times Blog: Adobe breach compromised more than 38 million users, Photoshop source code

The breach was bigger than indicated, and for a while a portion of Photoshop’s code was freely available … continue reading

Believe it or not, public clouds are more secure than private clouds

The maintenance that goes into public clouds makes them more reliable and harder to compromise … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Adobe deals with data breach affecting 2.9 million customers

It took the company two months to find (and admit to) the breach; stolen material included customer info and source code … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Apple Touch ID hacked by Chaos Computer Club

With a little patience, and a lot of high-resolution photos, laser printers and latex milk, criminals can crack your iPhone … continue reading

From the Editors: The big hole in Big Data

Companies that use Big Data products have to ensure security, or else; do not mistreat your open-source developers … continue reading

SD Times Blog: iOS 6 and OS X vulnerability could be exploited to crash apps

The problem lies in WebKit and involves using SMS texts or iMessages … continue reading

Seventy-nine percent of mobile malware attacks directed at Android OS

Large market share and open-source architecture put a hacker bullseye on Android’s back … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Cybercrime Blotter: DDoS bank robbers; League of Legends hacked

More security slip-ups lead to more black eyes, and the responses to the hacks haven’t been encouraging … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Groklaw shuts down in face of surveillance

The fallout from the NSA reveals continues as the legal analysis site quits rather than be watched by the feds … continue reading

SD Times Blog: Researchers discover a hole in Apple’s App Store approval process

A crack in Apple’s vetting process let researchers slip malware into the App Store … continue reading

SD Times Blog: MIT study reveals encryption is less secure than originally thought

Findings are not cause for panic, but they do upend 65 years of assumptions … continue reading

From the Editors: Flat will, ultimately, fall flat

Also, the W3C has to make a decision about codecs; and we can all learn a lesson from Apple’s security hole … continue reading Protection Status