Topic: software engineers

Report: Software engineers increasingly seen as strategic business partners

The days where engineers only take orders from higher ups and complete the tasks they are told to do may be over. In today’s modern development world, software engineers are having a much more involved role in business strategy.  According to Jellyfish’s 2024 State of Engineering Management report, 90% of respondents said their engineering teams … continue reading

It all comes down to developers

What if I told you that this year was going to change the way developers build for unified communications, forever cementing a place in traditional industries like manufacturing and medicine?  We all know the critical role software developers have played as the driving force beyond today’s connected collaboration capabilities. But I think that role will … continue reading

Site Reliability Engineer: Don’t fall victim to the bias blind spot

To ensure websites and applications deliver consistently excellent speed and availability, some organizations are adopting Google’s Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) model. In this model, a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) – usually someone with both development and IT Ops experience – institutes clear-cut metrics to determine when a website or application is production-ready from a user … continue reading

QCon: How to create effective teams like Google

One way to accelerate the software side of human technological processes is to continuously learn and adopt new technologies and processes. But, it shouldn’t stop there, according to Matt Sakaguchi, site reliability manager at Google, who kicked off the software development conference QCon today in New York City. The motivation for his talk today stemmed … continue reading

Adobe, Apple, Google and Intel make settlement offer in Silicon Valley poaching lawsuit

Tech companies poaching employees from one another is a longstanding Silicon Valley scandal, but after several years of litigation, the poachers may finally be about to pay up. According to a report from Reuters, Adobe, Apple, Google and Intel have agreed to settle an antitrust class-action lawsuit filed in 2011 by 64,000 software engineers. After … continue reading Protection Status