Topic: vsm

Organizational alignment is the key to delivering customer value

One of the challenges facing organizations that deliver software is how to make sure the company strategy is followed through planning, production and the finished product, and that everything is staying on track. In other words, how do they know if what they’ve delivered is actually what they set out to deliver? One answer to … continue reading

Broadcom survey finds increase in VSM adoption

A new Broadcom report today around value stream management (VSM) shows an increase in adoption and found that – for the second year in a row – customer value is a top priority among reporting organizations. Of the 96% of responding companies that say they’ve undertaken a value stream management initiative, driving long-term customer value … continue reading

Report: Value stream implementations not leading to the results businesses want

Many organizations who have tried to implement value stream management (VSM) are now having issues with getting the results they want out of this practice. According to a recent survey from Broadcom, more than two-thirds of respondents claimed that their visibility isn’t what it should be. In addition, the majority of companies are missing a key … continue reading

Broadcom acquires ConnectALL

Broadcom today announced it has acquired value stream management platform provider ConnectALL to add integrations to its ValueOps VSM portfolio. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. In a blog post announcing the deal, Broadcom said its plan is to integrate ConnectALL with the company’s ValueOps platform, which includes the Rally agile solution and the … continue reading

KPI anti-patterns hinder business outcomes

When it comes to data-driven decision-making, quality control, goal alignment, and accountability, establishing and adhering to key performance indicators (KPIs) is the industry standard for creating and maintaining exceptional engineering teams.  Unfortunately, there are a few engineering KPI anti-patterns that reduce the organizations’ ability to understand how their performance relates to business outcomes. When teams … continue reading

GitLab enters value stream market with new Value Streams Dashboard

GitLab is officially entering the value stream management space with the beta release of its Value Streams Dashboard.  The new dashboard provides an overall view of metrics like DORA and flow metrics. By tracking these metrics over a period of time, development teams will be able to locate trends early, drill down into individual metrics, … continue reading

Beyond features and bugs: Expanding how to evaluate development investments

Overnight, every company in the world became a software company. Those companies are either on the journey to becoming a world-class software company or they are going extinct. One key step in a successful journey requires connecting the daily work done by software teams to corporate goals and embracing autonomy with alignment.  Software development is … continue reading

Value stream management provides predictability in unpredictable times

In 2019, most business leaders probably wouldn’t have predicted the changes that would be coming their way in early 2020 thanks to a global pandemic. If they had, perhaps they would have been able to make decisions more proactively and wouldn’t have had to scramble to convert their workforce to remote, digitize all their experiences, … continue reading

Value stream management is all about continuous improvement

Value stream management has a terminology problem, since there are terms out there that sound the same but are actually different: value stream, value stream mapping, value stream management, and value management – which leaves many confused. “There’s nothing wrong with value stream management itself, but there’s plenty wrong with how it’s being considered and … continue reading

OASIS committee working on value stream interoperability standards

In order to facilitate the development of standards for sharing data across different platforms within the value stream, a new technical committee has sprung up from within OASIS Open, which is an open source and standards consortium. According to the committee, organizations typically employ a number of different tools to measure software performance in order … continue reading

Don’t conflate value stream metrics with other development metrics

Value stream management and data-driven insights have been hot topics these past few years, and interest will continue to grow. Late last year, Gartner put out a prediction that by 2023, 70% of organizations will be using value stream management in some capacity.  In order to do value stream successfully, however, companies need to understand … continue reading

Value stream management isn’t new; It has its origins decades ago in manufacturing

It may seem as though value stream management is a new concept in the world of software development; SD Times has written countless articles about it over the past few years and has hosted three conferences on it since 2020. But it has its origins decades ago in manufacturing. In an SD Times Live! event, … continue reading Protection Status