Topic: weave

Google opens up Brillo and Weave to more developers, EFF wins car software petition, and the iOS 9.2 beta—SD Times news digest: Oct. 28, 2015

Google has announced it is expanding its Brillo operating system and communication platform Weave to a broader range of developers. Brillo and Weave are the company’s developer tools for building connected devices. Brillo provides an embedded OS based on Android, a developer kit, and a developer console for building devices. Weave lets devices communicate with … continue reading

Google I/O 2015: Google’s Internet of Things platform, Android Studio 1.3, Polymer 1.0 and Android M

Google announced its end-to-end Internet of Things platform and demonstrated a developer preview of Android M during the keynote of the Google I/O developer conference, along with debuting new features and updates to platforms and developer tools like Android Studio, Polymer, Android Wear and the Google Play developer console. In terms of developer tools and … continue reading

Top 5 projects trending on GitHub

#1: Shout Shout is a Web Internet relay chat client that users can host on their own server. Created by Mattias Erming, Shout features multiple user support, the ability to stay connected even when the browser is closed, the ability to connect from multiple devices at once, and a responsive layout that works well on … continue reading

SD Times news digest: September 9, 2014—Weave virtual Docker network, Java and C++ popularity hit lows

Weave: The virtual Docker network London-based developer Zettio has open-sourced Weave, a tool to create a virtual network that connects Docker containers across multiple hosts. Weave creates a network bridge on each host, connecting each container to the bridge via a veth pair (a pair of virtual network interfaces connected together). Weave routers then capture … continue reading Protection Status