Following the release of Oracle’s Java 8, NetBeans IDE 8.0 has been announced. The open IDE release delivers out-of-the-box code analyzers and editors for the latest Java 8 technologies (Java SE 8, Java ME Embedded 8 and Java SE Embedded 8), and also includes new HTML5 tools and support for C/C++, Java EE, Maven and PHP.
(Related: What’s in Java 8)
Highlights of the release include:
Java: Support for JDK 8, Java SE Embedded 8 and Java ME Embedded 8 have been added. JDK 8’s tools and editor have been improved for working with Profiles, Lambdas and Streams. Java SE Embedded provides the ability to run, debug, profile or deploy Java SE apps on embedded devices straight from the NetBeans IDE.
Java EE: Support for Tomcat 8 and TomEE, more flexibility for JPA hints, and new PrimeFaces code generators have been added.
Maven: Improved Maven performance for rerunning Web apps and “Apply Code Changes” while debugging have been added. Also included is a new Maven graph layout switcher.
JavaScript: Support for creating jQuery plug-ins and widgets, code completion in Knockout.js templates, and debugging of JavaScript code executed in Nashorn script engine have been added, as well as improvements for AngularJS in code completion between artifacts.
HTML5: New support for Karma test runner, Grunt builds and Android 4.4 WebKit debugging for Cordova 3.3+. Also included is Avatar.js availability in Plugin Manager.
PHP: New support for PHP 5.5, Nette Tester and PHP CS Fixer have been added, as well as improvements to Twig, Latte and Neon.
C/C++: New Breadcrumbs feature for navigation in the editor, GDB Console, hints, and code completions added.
Other features include Profiler, Versioning and Task Schedule enhancements.
More information about NetBeans IDE 8.0 is available here.